- Epidemiology and risk stratification in healthy and sick population
- Expanding the target population for anti-platelet/coagulation therapy
- Controversial issues: from clinical studies to real life
- Sport and cardiac pathologies
- Nuclear cardiology in CAD and CHF patients
Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Evolving therapies for Acute myocardial Infarction: when PTCA, when stent?
- Hybrid myocardial revascularization
- Anti-thrombotic therapy in STEMI and NSTEMI patient
- Management of STEMI and non-STEMI patient
- BioResorbable Vascular Scaffold update in interventional cardiology
- Spinal Cord Stimulation in refractory CAD: still an appropriate choice?
- Chronic Ischemic artery disease: dignaostic pathways and therapeutical algorythms
Global Cardiovascular Risk Prevention
- Global Cardiovascular Risk assessment and prevention
- Insulin Resistance Syndrome, type 2 Diabetes and Atherosclerosis: an explosive mixture
- Lipid-lowering therapy: do we need statins for all life long?
- Diagnosis and treatment of patients with hypercholesterolemia : update
- New drugs for treating resistant hypercholesterolemia
- PCSK9i and clinical outcomes
- Role of platelets in the atherosclerosis pathogenesis
- Drug interaction, gender, age and comorbidities
- Elderly and Cardiology: are all patients to be treated the same way?
- Right pharmacological therapy in fragile patient
Echocardiography & Imaging
- Echocardiography in the evaluation of the induced AF-mechanical remodelling
- Evaluation of thromboembolic atrial sources
- Echo optimisation of atrial-ventricular delay in paced AF patients
- Doppler echocardiography in the management of the resynchronization in HF
- Consensus Documents on Imaging and coronary anatomy
Heart Failure
- The interaction of AF and CHF and its clinical implications
- Neurohumoral activation in CHF patients
- Latest pharmacological therapy for CHF
- The HF doctor: is there still a role for clinical cardiologists?
- What lessons from the early completed trials?
- Management of hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy
- Management and diagnostic pathways for HF ambulatory network
Non-Invasive Risk Stratification
- New non-invasive markers for risk stratification
- Syncope: practical issues of diagnosis and treatment
- Physical treatment of neurally-mediated syncope
- Organizational models of Syncope Unit
- Modern management of chest pain and unexplained palpitations
- The new generation implantable loop recorders
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
New Guidelines in Cardiology